3 Tricks to Save Money

Three Tricks to Save Money

We all want to save more money — but overall, people today are doing less and less of it. This lesson is centered around a TED Talk given by behavioral scientist Wendy De La Rosa. In her work, Wendy studies how everyday people make decisions about spending or saving money. In this talk, entitled Three Psychological Tricks to Help You Save Money, Wendy shares some insights into how to make financial commitments less painful and more effective.

This lesson will prepare you for an advanced level Business English conversation. You’ll practice listening to and understanding key concepts as expressed by a native speaker. You’ll also learn, practice and master key vocabulary that will help you to build fluency and to express yourself with greater nuance and confidence.

You’ll also have an opportunity to join in a special live event, an Advanced Business English Roundtable Discussion, hosted and guided by Kenny, an American business trainer with more than 30 years of experience.


Each week, you’ll receive a complete package of engaging, step-by-step training material, including real-world news articles, audio files and short videos. Absolutely free.